Friday, 13 December 2013

How to Disable Post Revisions wordpress tutorials

This is a popular myth WordPress, after slowing to store multiple versions of your site. This is not correct. WordPress write smart enough to ignore the changes, while showing the front and MySQL queries are written is not good enough, so the modification does not actually slow down. However, the revised taking space in your WordPress database. Where is his posts almost completely copied, so if you have hundreds of jobs, which means you have to store hundreds of versions.

In summary, if you need to reduce the size of your WordPress database, delete your posts Amendment is a great way to do this without sacrificing any actual content. To do this open your wp-config.php file and add the following line to configure it:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

Doing so, however, only tell your WordPress application stops storing new post revised.

How to use Headings tag in wordpress for optimization

You should make sure that you use only <h1> label for the title of your article.

You should use some <h2> many <H3> tags and labels, you need additional title of your article. Doing so will allow search engines to index more important information from your website. Good documentation has a title and subtitle, because the title makes it easier to determine the theme of the page.

For best SEO practices blog site is set in the title tag a title of your post. Most good WordPress templates do. If not, you should modify the theme, to achieve the correct output of your page.