Friday, 13 December 2013

How to Disable Post Revisions wordpress tutorials

This is a popular myth WordPress, after slowing to store multiple versions of your site. This is not correct. WordPress write smart enough to ignore the changes, while showing the front and MySQL queries are written is not good enough, so the modification does not actually slow down. However, the revised taking space in your WordPress database. Where is his posts almost completely copied, so if you have hundreds of jobs, which means you have to store hundreds of versions.

In summary, if you need to reduce the size of your WordPress database, delete your posts Amendment is a great way to do this without sacrificing any actual content. To do this open your wp-config.php file and add the following line to configure it:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

Doing so, however, only tell your WordPress application stops storing new post revised.

How to use Headings tag in wordpress for optimization

You should make sure that you use only <h1> label for the title of your article.

You should use some <h2> many <H3> tags and labels, you need additional title of your article. Doing so will allow search engines to index more important information from your website. Good documentation has a title and subtitle, because the title makes it easier to determine the theme of the page.

For best SEO practices blog site is set in the title tag a title of your post. Most good WordPress templates do. If not, you should modify the theme, to achieve the correct output of your page.

Monday, 18 November 2013

How to optimize your meta descriptions in wordpress

You should enter each of your pages meta description. Simple to use, but the content-rich sentences. Search engines will check on your description of the actual content of your page, so make sure you only describe the current page, in this description, avoid adding irrelevant information.

Categorize your article was published, it is a good practice. Once you go to the post -> Categories page in your admin area, please note the description field for each category. WordPress will take what you enter in this field, and insert meta description category.

How to optimize your meta descriptions in wordpress

Saturday, 16 November 2013

How to optimize your images in wordpress website

Is important to have the "title" and "ALT" tag specifies for each one in your post images used. Then, the search engines will know what it is supposed to represent the image. Type the TITLE and ALT tags each image you use, however, can be a time consuming task. Instead, you can use the handy search engine friendly images plugin. For information about how to install this plug-in for more information, you can check our tutorial on how to install WordPress plugin.

Once you install the plugin, go to Settings -> Search engine friendly picture in your WordPress admin area. On this page, you can specify the ALT and TITLE tags for your image. The plug-in lets you choose to use internal variables, such as% title, name,%% category. With them, you can set your image ALT and TITLE tags, such as title of your post. The plug-in does the rest. This can save you a lot of time to make your image search engine friendly.

How to optimize your images in wordpress website

Friday, 15 November 2013

How to optimize your Heading in WordPress blog

You should make sure you only use the label for the title <h1> posts.

You should use some <h2> up <H3> marks and labels, you need to in your article's title. Otherwise, this will allow search engines to index the important information from your website better. A good document title and subtitle, because the title to make it easier to determine the theme of the page.

For the best SEO practices blog site is set in a heading tag title of your post. Good WordPress template to do this. If not, you should modify the theme, in order to achieve the correct output your page ....

Thursday, 14 November 2013

What is the Loop in WordPress?

Loop is a term used to describe the WordPress community inner loop is used to display each post. Recycled, WordPress handling all posts and displays it on the current page, formatting and filtering. Any HTML, PHP or any other code in the inner loop will be repeated on each post.

The very simple example of The Loop in wordpress is the following code below: 

<?php if ( have_posts() ): while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

Cycle is a major part of each theme - it is the core of every WordPress website. If you find an instruction placed a piece of code "in the loop" you should take it before ENDWHILE; closed cycle elements.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How to use Permalinks for optimize your website url

The WordPress gives you the freedom to set your link, you want the way they look. In the administrative area of WordPress Settings -> Permalinks. On this page, you can choose from several predefined options, or use self-defined structure, your link.

How to use Permalinks for optimize your website url
 / For example, you can select custom structure option and enter /% postname%. This will make your links look like's. Alternatively, you can enter a category% /% postname% /% /, if you want to include in the URL of your category names. You can also add custom text or other WordPress variables. WordPress can be found on the official website a complete list of available variables that you can use in your permanent.

How to add Google AdSense in WordPress website?

And WordPress, you can easily add the AdSense code to your blog. To do this, first log into your site management side. Then, go to the "Appearance" -> "widget" menu.

How to add Google AdSense in WordPress website?
 On this page, select the drag-and-drop to your registered sidebar "Text" parts.

How to add Google AdSense in WordPress website?
 Then you should add a title (in our case - advertising), and is entitled to receive from Google that you have the actual code. Finally, click the "Save" button on the right under.

How to add Google AdSense in WordPress website?
 Now the google adsense account added in your wordpress website.

Monday, 11 November 2013

How to change a Wordpress website site URL

Sometimes you may need to change your WordPress site's URL.

For example, it is a common practice, develop new versions of the site, sub-folder when it is ready to move it to the root directory.

WordPress, however, depends on its URL is set to work properly.

This means that if you are just your files and database will not work correctly.

Located in the URL of the application database settings. Fortunately, the use by the WordPress developers called "update_option" provide a good function to avoid modifying the database directly.

Just add these lines to your theme functions.php file:


Then just load your site a new location - it should work just fine.

Please note that when you run your site once, and you want to make sure it works, you should start your functions.php file, delete the rows. Settings are already stored in the database and should not be modified each time you load your site.  

How to complete transfer WordPress

One application to another WordPress from a hosting provider is an easy thing to do , if performed correctly .
A WordPress site from one host to another is basically composed of three parts - move files , move the database and reconfiguration ( if needed ) .
Your files from one host to another , you can use your favorite FTP client .
The second step is to move the database. First, you need to export your old hosting account database . If it uses cPanel, you can safely follow these instructions. If not, your previous hosting company 's support team for more information on how to export the database . You have to export your data to your new hosting account and create a new database , import your content.
Now that you have your files and database transfer .
All you have to do is to re- configure your WordPress application , a new place to work .

To do this, you can open your WordPress root folder and open wp-config.php file, locate the following lines: 

define('DB_NAME', 'user_wrdp1');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'user_wrdp1');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');

You need to replace these values ​​with the actual database, the database user name and password.

Now save the file, it should be your WordPress site up and running a new hosting account!

Important Note: 

Please note that if you change your site's domain name requires additional reconfiguration.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Wordpress Tricks And Tips 2013

Now that you have started with WordPress Tricks And Tips 2013, do not get overwhelmed (like most people do!). Just remember that you have made a wise and informed decision. We will help you to make your decision more informed.
At your disposal there are some very powerful tool. They will allow you to communicate with the world. However, because you are a fresh, you may not know how to use them. Listed below are the top wordpress tips and tricks 2013 for WordPress for Beginners:

Change Permalinks

Simply put, the permanent link URL to your blog post. These are very important! Rather, these permanent convenience of your article in the search engines.
How do you set it?
You can set up the WordPress settings. You will see that your URL will appear a number. Just do not need! So the next time you choose "Custom" structure and type /% postname%. HTML. What's this! You are now a permanent link includes your name, you can easily be on Google, Yahoo and Bing search.
How to create a smart URL?
Also, remember not to use too many keywords in your URL. Make a clever use of words, by eliminating any unnecessary. Make sure that when you finish a permanent, which is very pleasant man.

For a better understanding, follow this as an example:

Wordpress Theme Selection

WordPress themes to make your blog attractive. They are going in your blog easily, no matter what you do the customization tools. Thus, given sufficient time pondering.
The default WordPress theme from every other blog has a variety of options. You can choose from their bodies. However, this makes your blog just like everyone else, I am sure you do not want that. Right?
I personally recommend you do not select from them. Get your own very unique, high-quality themes and different look to your blog. Sure it will make your job catchy.
Theme is an important factor, and their tastes and blog content for instructions. Therefore, you should always follow your blog niche.
You can always change your blog theme. This is not a life time commitment. However, if you pay a certain theme, even a penny, and then make sure it is worth it.

Title And Description Who you Targeted

When you use such as Facebook, Google and LinkedIn and other social networking sites to share your posts and pages, they will ask you to publish a title and description. Once published, these services will pick up the title and description. Well, this will work with you to share the link.
Now when people search for something, your post appears (it appears you give title and description), the title and description of the man will decide whether to click on your article or not. For this purpose, your title and description, played a prominent role.
Remember, search engine web page title important part of a description of the main purpose of the reader. Therefore, they in such a way that they are strong enough to encourage Click designs.
Note: What encourage clicks to get a grip! For this, you need to do SEO optimization software, namely transcription. This will prove to be a helping hand when editing titles and descriptions.

Wordpress Plugins

WordPress Plugin that can do almost everything, and this makes WordPress is simply amazing. However, do not just start downloading all of the plug-ins. Now, just install the basic essential.
You can install the Akismet and Google XML Sitemaps. The former already exists, but you need to get it activated. For this, you will need an Akismet at critical. This is to reduce the minimum spam. The latter is also important. This is the search engine optimization, search engine makes it easy to find your blog.
Other important plug-ins include: WP optimization, all in One SEO Pack and WP database backup. Their names are decent enough to explain their purpose.

Browser Cache

Sometimes, you may make some changes to your site, but you may not be able to see them. Do not panic! You just need to clear your browser cache, you'll get to solve this problem.
In order to remove it, you must press the SHIFT key while you click the "Refresh" button on your browser. Your browser's cache is cleared, you can see the changes you've made to your site.

Footer Section

In the bottom of your WordPress site, you can see a footer area. People notice it, which is very rare, but it plays an important role in keeping your readers and visitors engaged.
This can sometimes be forgotten footer area, allowing you to add the site owner, any copyright information or the information linked to some pages. You can use a premium theme to expand in this area, then you can provide more information. You can add a short biography or exit your  mailing list, etc.
Keep in mind that some people actually scroll down to all of this information at a glance, if you are really interested, so that people more frequently to visit your site, then you should take advantage of this part.

Wordpress Security

You need to properly protect your passwords, whether you are a user or a self-hosted WordPress Free WordPress blog. If your WordPress site is secure, you will find that your mind will be relaxed and peaceful. This way, you will be able to focus on your goals: for your blog writing and keeping readers engaged. Therefore, do not take this tip lightly!


You must have heard this: "If you can not measure this, so you can not manage it."
Track your improve your site's visitors. You can do this by using the Jetpack statistics and Google Analytics. The former is only available to users free WordPress blog. However, the self-hosted WordPress users can benefit from the former, and the latter to obtain further advantages installed. Google Analytics will also allow you to filter out your own visits, it is indeed a necessity.
In this article must be many things lacking. We have done our utmost to help the WordPress beginners. If you want to know anything not mentioned above, please comment here.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

How to setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart with WordPress Tutorial

Now installed WordPress shopping cart, you can change its settings, and according to their own needs to adjust options. Enter the settings -> WP shopping cart and modify the various options.

How to setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart with WordPress
Remember, this is to be able to receive the product, you will be on your site to create funds must enter your PayPal email address.

In the "Settings" page at the top of the WordPress shopping cart, you will see instructions on how to create the Add to cart button on your web pages, and how to display products in the shopping cart.

In order to create a new post with your shopping cart go to the WordPress Posts -> Add a new product.

How to setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart with WordPress
Here is an example of data you can enter a new page, in order to create a sample.

How to setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart with WordPress
Enter the desired text and images, if you like, WordPress shopping cart product code. Please note that you need to change the "product" and the number in wp_cart labels to reflect the desired product name and price.

Shopping cart itself, we will use parts of the plug-in. Go to Appearance -> Widgets.

Drop the wordpress paypal shopping cart widget into the sidebar.

How to setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart with WordPress
You can adjust plugin position.When you are happy with this position between the other available widgets click save button.

setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart
Now you can access your site's main page and check how it looks. With the "Add to Cart" button to display the new post you enter text.

setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart
When you press the button shopping cart will be update and you will see the price and product.

setup Simple PayPal Shopping Cart
Through the Red circle with a cross button at any time, you can adjust the quantity or remove the desired product.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart? Tutorial

You can use that to set up an online store for your existing WordPress site there are various contributions. One widely preferred plugin is a simple PayPal shopping cart, this tutorial is dedicated.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?

There are two standard install WordPress plug-in option. You can use the search or upload functionality.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to find the necessary plug-ins to install.

Administrator first log into your WordPress installation area. Then go to Plugins -> Add.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?
In the search field, from the drop-down menu, select "long-term", and then enter the "Simple PayPal Shopping Cart" in the text box, click on the "search plugin" button.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?
"WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart" should appear on the first result. Click the Install link.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?
After this step just click the install now button.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?
Plugin will be automatically downloaded and installed your WordPress. Once the installation is complete, click "Activate plugin link.

How to install and set up Simple PayPal Shopping Cart?

How to restore your MySQL database from a backup:MySQL Import?

To restore (import) through phpMyAdmin database, you first select the data into the database. This can be accomplished from the corresponding menu on the left. Then click the "Import" tab:

MySQL Import?
You can choose to import the sql file. Select the file from your local computer. Please note that you upload box below the drop-down menu of options to pick the document character set. If you are not sure your database uses the default character set just leave.

MySQL Import?
Click the Go button to start recovery in the lower right corner. Successful database import, it will display a notification.

How to backup your MySQL database?:MySQL Export

Learn how to backup and restore your MySQL database hosting account. Here you will find a detailed description of how to archive your information and restore it when needed.

MySQL Export
phpMyAdmin tool will soon be loaded.

You can choose what you want from the Database menu (located in the upper left corner of the page) backup of the database.

MySQL Export
A new page will be loaded in phpMyAdmin displays the selected database. In order to continue to click the "Export" tab of backups:

MySQL Export
You should choose the option, in addition to the default save as file (which will save the file locally to your computer. SQL format), and add a DROP THE TABLE (which will increase the drop-down list if the table already exists in the database backup function), as follows:

MySQL Export
Click on the Go button to start the export/backup procedure for your database:
A download window will pop up prompting the exact place you want to save the file on the local computer. This is probably the download starts automatically. Depending on your browser settings.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

How To Install New Plugin In Wordpress

To install a plugin you generally just need to put the plugin file into your wordpress admin files wp-content/plugins directory. Plugins are tools which provide additional functionality to your application. Once a plugin is installed you may activate it or deactivate it from the Plugins menu in your Wordpress administration area.

Install Wordpress Plugin
wordpress plugin

Normally the Plugin installation is a simple process. In most cases it is enough to upload the plugin under the wordpress admin files wp-content/plugins directory for the WordPress installation and activate it from the admin panel.

Active on inactive plugin in wordpress

In WordPress 2.8 and in all latest version you can install plugins directly from the admin area. Downlod the plugin from plugin website to your pc, then sign in to your WP admin area and go to Plugins  Add New. Browse to the plugin archive and select plugin. Then click on Install button Now and the plugin will be installed easily.

Add new plugin in wordpress