Friday 7 February 2014

Wordpress Theme Tutorial for our Website

In this Wordpress Theme Tutorial, we will teach you how to install the theme for your website in Wordpress. It is a detailed Wordpress Theme Tutorial and hopefully will be quite helpful for you being a newbie. This is a step by step Wordpress Theme Tutorial so you not come across any problems while installing the theme.
Login to your Wordpress website admin page
On the left hand side, go to Appearance and click on Themes
Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Once there, you will find out which theme you have currently installed on your website. If you want to change the theme, simply click on the Install Theme tab.
Here you will find two ways, through which you can install the theme. You can either search the new the new theme from the or can upload one from your local hard disk.

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Click on the Add New tab
Go to Themes then click on the Install Themes
Installing the Theme from Local Hard Disk:

Once you have reached there, click on the Upload tab
Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Now select the Choose File. And select the theme from your local hard disk. Once selected, click on the Install Now button
Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Within a few seconds the theme will be uploaded, extracted and archived.
Now click on the Activate Button to successfully upload the theme on your website

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

That’s all! Now you can enjoy your new Wordpress theme and can make your website look more attractive and updated.
Installing the Theme from
Installing the Wordpress theme from is the easiest way. If you know the name of the theme, this method will not only remain easy but will also be quick.

Write the name of the theme or keyword for the type of website you are making in the Search bar

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Select the Colors, layout and other description that you are looking for the theme. And click on Find Theme button

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Now select the theme that you liked the most and click on the Install Now tab

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Your Wordpress Theme will be uploaded, extracted and archived automatically. You just have to click on the Activate Now tab to activate the new theme on your website.

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Your Wordpress Theme will be uploaded, extracted and archived automatically. You just have to click on the Activate Now tab to activate the new theme on your website.

Wordpress Theme Tutorial

Enjoy the new look of your Wordpress website!

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